ADI Editor Template Select
Log in to the appropriate WiX account
Click on Create New Site in the upper left
Click on the WiX button on the left
Click on the industry that best matches your client's business
Click on the Start Now button the Let WiX ADI Editor Create a Site for You prompt
Type in the industry that best matches the client
Click Next at the bottom right
Select or deselect the features the client wants or does not want
Click Next at the bottom right
On the Do you want to import your images and text? page, Click Skip at the bottom right
On the Review and edit your info page, enter in the client's relevant info
On the Pick a theme you like page, select the theme that best matches the client's business
On the Pick your favorite homepage design page, pick the design that best matches the client's business
On the Add pages to your site page, add the pages the client wants
Click on the Edit Site button in the upper right
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